Unlock the Funding Potential for Your Business

Unlock the Funding Potential for Your Business

Are you planning to apply for funding in 2024? Don’t miss this exclusive training program designed to empower businesses, including private enterprises and social ventures in Co. Clare, to prepare for grant applications.

Programme Overview
Duration: End of January to End of March 2024
The training will be conducted both in person (CLDC Westgate, Ennis) and online via Zoom.

Topics and Schedule:
Topic 1 – Market Research (WC Jan 29th) – CLDC Training Room –Ennis
Topic 2 – Business Planning (WC Feb 12th) – Online
Topic 3 – Financial Management (WC Feb 27th) – Online
Topic 4 – Financial Projections and Requirements (WC Mar 4th) – Ennis (TBC)
March 19th and 20th – Wrap Up – Online

Total Commitment – 4 x 3 Hour Training Sessions
2 x 1 Hour One to One Review Sessions

Programme Facilitator: Evelyn Cormican

Seize the opportunity to enhance your business’s funding potential.
Register here to secure your spot. Limited Places available.

For enquiries contact: Aisling De Klerk 087 9718866, adeklerk@cldc.ie

CLDC is selected to deliver SICAP programme for next 5 years!

CLDC is selected to deliver SICAP programme for next 5 years!

CLDC is thrilled to have been awarded the SICAP programme in county Clare!

SICAP stands for Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme, and CLDC has been selected as the organisation to design, implement and deliver the programme at a local level. 

So, for the next 5 years, we will continue to be on the ground with our communities, asking what is needed and finding ways to deliver it

It’s a huge credit to the SICAP team for all of their hard work in the past 5 years, staying innovative and responsive to meet the emergent needs of our communities in a rapidly changing climate.

SICAP puts a strong emphasis on meeting the needs of people who are farthest removed from resources and services, and on bringing more equity to our communities. At CLDC, this of course is aligned with our values, and we work hard to activate and empower our communities.  

We’re so proud and excited to continue advocating for and supporting the people of Clare, and we look forward to bringing more equity and inclusion to our communities!

Watch a short, moving video about one example of SICAP at work in Clare.

ILDN Social Enterprise IMPACT Awards- Open for Applications

ILDN Social Enterprise IMPACT Awards- Open for Applications

The ILDN Social Enterprise IMPACT Awards are now Open for Applications!

Winners in each of the three categories – Medium/Large Social Enterprise, Small Social Enterprise, and Young Social Enterprise – will receive a grant of €10,000, with runners-up receiving a grant of €5,000 each.

If you are an Irish social enterprise, you are invited to submit an application by sending a completed Application Form (available below) to SEImpactAwards@ildn.ie before the deadline of Sunday 10th December 2023.

For further information, please see the Call for Submissions document below.

Download: Call for Submissions

Download: – ILDN-SE-IMPACT-Awards-Application-form (1)

Download: – ILDN-Social-Enterprise-IMPACT-Awards-FAQ-Doc-LIVE-1

Securing Socio-Economic Rights and a Just Transition in Clare – You’re invited, Monday Nov 6th!

Securing Socio-Economic Rights and a Just Transition in Clare – You’re invited, Monday Nov 6th!

Communities in Clare at risk of an unjust transition, report finds. "We can’t rely on people’s goodwill one more time, what we need are resources." [Participant quote]

A first of its kind research project conducted in Clare which examined the effects on Clare communities of the transition to net zero carbon emissions has found that there is a risk of ‘an unfair transition in the county’ unless significant measures are taken to address this. The report: ‘Fair Clare: Securing Socio-Economic Rights and a Just Transition in Clare’ is jointly authored by Kieran Harrahill and Roisin Greaney both from TASC – Think Tank for Action on Social Change, who conducted a series of workshops with a wide range of communities in the county over the course of summer 2023

The report will be launched at a free event on Monday November the 6th at 7 pm in the Templegate Hotel, Ennis. Tickets must be booked in advance at this link: 


..or by calling Clare PPN on 087-1617375 during office hours.

The report can be read in full HERE and the beautiful artist-designed print copies will be available on the night for those attending the launch.

Padraic Hayes, a Shannon based steering committee member for this project said:

“We’re really proud of this work and the fact that it has been developed directly by groups of people who are affected by poverty and discrimination in our communities. One of the main things we’ve learned is that if we can improve the services needed by those of us who are worst off, that actually everyone will benefit.”

Groups who participated in the lively discussion sessions for the project included those perceived to be at risk from climate action: low-income farmers, and other people on low incomes in rural areas including single parents, older people, people with disabilities, carers and others. Dedicated workshops were held with men from the Traveller community and with people who have come here seeking protection as a result of the war in Ukraine and with people living within the international protection system in Clare. The workshops were held in a range of Clare towns – Kilrush, Ennistymon, Shannon, Scariff, Ennis and Killaloe with everything from turf to tourism coming under scrutiny.

Sarah Clancy part of the Clare PPN team who oversaw the collaborative project observed:

‘We don’t want this report to sit on a shelf, it contains real issues and real proposals to solve them gathered from ordinary people some of whom are living in very difficult circumstances around the county. We are launching it now in advance of three forthcoming election cycles- the local and EU elections in 2024, and the General Election which is on the horizon and we want to make its recommendations part of every existing and would-be politicians policy platform whatever party they are with’.

The strikingly-designed report builds onwards from Clare PPN’s previous work which examined poverty in Clare, and also makes for stark reading. Communities ranked housing and health as their key and urgent concerns alongside cost-of-living issues and with many expressing their worries about the care available for themselves, family members and others. This report doesn’t stop there however – it makes 27 recommendations for local and national policy makers on how some of these issues can be addressed in ways that tackle both climate action and poverty reduction at the same time.

Suggestions include developing an innovative a social enterprise incubator, that the Local Authority itself should adopt ‘community wealth building’ as its approach, that the national retrofit schemes no-cost plans should be extended to low and middle income households, that existing farm supports should be tailored to local needs and landscapes and it calls for the establishment of local information and help centres, community development projects and a suggests that a trades school should be established in an area of deprivation in Clare.

The project was commissioned by four local organisations working together: Clare County Council, Clare Local Development Company, Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board and Clare Public Participation Network and was funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development under the Dormant Accounts Fund and many of its findings have been fed into Clare’s draft Local Economic and Community Plan.

For more information or comments, please contact:
Sarah Clancy / 086 384 0973 / sarah@clareppn.ie

What is a Social Enterprise??

What is a Social Enterprise??

Although there are many definitions, the bottom line is…A social enterprise is an enterprise [or business] whose objective is to achieve a social, societal or environmental impact, rather that maximising profits for its owners or stakeholders.  

Social enterprises in Clare work in many sectors: Improving the environment, strengthening community supports, supporting employment opportunities locally and regionally and working for the overall betterment of society.

CLDC, over the past 30 years, has supported the establishment and development of Social Enterprises across a range of sectors including tourism, community services, childcare organisations, and climate action.

In January 2023, CLDC launched the Clare Social Enterprise Network.  The primary aim of the network is to give Social Enterprises in Clare a platform to interact with other like-minded people, to ask questions, share ideas, experiences & learnings, and to identify opportunities for working together and for wider collaboration.

We had a range of events throughout 2023 to offer networking opportunities and soft support in the common issues facing Social Enterprises, including:

  • Fundraising / revenue generation.
  • Business planning
  • Strategy Planning and Sustainability
  • Communication and Marketing
  • Legal & HR – recruitment & management

Social Enterprise Training Programme

Right now, in our Social Enterprise Network, we are really excited to have Evelyn Cormican delivering a bespoke training programme to assist Social Enterprises with day-to-day operations and future planning. The training is being delivered through a combination of in person and online training and small group mentoring sessions. The overall aim of the training is to provide support and direction to social enterprises to take their business to the next level.

On completion of the training programme participants will be given an opportunity to take part in a showcase event (Spring 2024) with local businesses and corporates. This event is an opportunity for social enterprises to pitch their businesses to companies that have a corporate social responsibility policy.

If you are a social enterprise or thinking of becoming a social enterprise and you are not on our database, we would love to hear from you!

Please email Aisling [adeklerk@cldc.ie] for further information and to be part of our dynamic network.

Irish Local Development Network (ILDN) Social Enterprise Impact Award

ILDN have launched their Social Enterprise IMPACT award, which is a competition focused on impact and impact measurement. The Awards will have three categories – medium/large social enterprise, small social enterprise, and ‘young’ social enterprise – with winners in each category receiving an award of €10,000, and runners up receiving €5,000. The prize money can be used towards any costs associated with running the social enterprise. For further information and a copy of the application form click here.

Closing date Sunday 10th December 2023.

FREE Course on Home Energy Saving!

FREE Course on Home Energy Saving!

Sustainable Energy Communities – Latest News

Free Course on Home Energy Saving

Clare Local Development Company (CLDC) is delighted to support a free Home Energy Saving Course for communities which will run over the winter months. This LEADER funded initiative will help householders to understand their home energy use and offer tips to reduce consumption and be more energy efficient. The course includes a mix of in-person and online sessions and people are welcome to join any or all of the sessions.

In person launch events:

-Sat Oct 28th – Lisdoonvarna Pavillion 1Oam to 2pm
-Tues November 7th – Scarriff GAA club 7.15pm to 9.15pm
-Wed November 8th – Kilrush Golf Club 7.30pm to 9.30pm

The online sessions will commence on Wednesday 15th November and run from 7.30 to 9.30pm. The course is facilitated by AstoECO on behalf of CLDC.

Email carsten.krieger@astoneco.com for further details.