Rural Social Scheme

What is the Rural Social Scheme?
The Rural Social Scheme (RSS) allows low-income farmers & fisher persons who are receiving certain Social Welfare payments to earn a top-up income through taking part in employment with Community & Voluntary groups in their local area. Participation is also open to certain family members. Clare Local Development Company administer the scheme in Co Clare with local Supervisors throughout the county. The Department of Employment Affairs & Social Protection (DEASP) have overall responsibility for RSS determining its rules and regulations, including eligibility.
Clare Local Development Company have been administering the RSS Scheme on behalf of the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection (DEASP) since 2004.
Who is the Rural Social Scheme for?
The Rural Social Scheme provides income support and social interaction for farmer/fisher person households that are in receipt of certain social welfare payments from the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection. Participants work for 19.5 hours per week with a local Community & Voluntary Group. Work is administered in a farmer-friendly manner in agreement with the local Supervisor and Sponsor Group. Those taking part on the scheme can stay on the Rural Social Scheme for up to six years. The Rural Social Scheme is reviewed annually in March and if participants remain eligible and there is a role available with a group contracts are renewed for that year.
For more detail see Citizens Information
Community & Voluntary Sponsor Groups
Community & Voluntary Sponsor groups throughout Clare are supported in the roll out of activities, care and maintenance of facilities and building of their capacity through the provision of skilled personnel from the RSS & Tús schemes. Countywide, these schemes support over 190 groups. CLDC’s Evaluation & Review Committee oversee the admission of groups to the scheme and ensure that these groups adhere to the guidelines set out by DEASP. Application forms are completed by Sponsor Groups with details of roles available. Local RSS/Tús Supervisors liaise with groups to assess their suitability and capacity.
Specific work placements are agreed between the local RSS/Tús Supervisors and approved Sponsor Groups prior to a participant being placed.
How to Apply
Community & Voluntary Groups who want to become Rural Social Scheme/Tús Sponsor Groups can either contact the local Supervisor directly to discuss the opportunities available in their local area or download and complete the application form here: Community Group Application Form RSS & Tús and send it to the CLDC RSS/Tús team.
Clare case study highlights the benefits of Rural Social Scheme for local community
This year, CLDC contributed a case study for our Rural Social Scheme (RSS) program, as part of a national review process. We were proud and happy to showcase the good work that has happened through the RSS program, by showcasing the benefits of one project for the...
Tus & RSS – Community Impacts in Corofin
Tus & RSS (Rural Social Scheme) are the types of programs that tend to tip away on their own without much press or hoopla. But the people employed through the Tus & RSS schemes are often the people who do the physical labour in a community that keeps it functional and...
Farmers (and their families!) in need of extra income! Apply now!
Do you know any farmers (or their families!) who are in need of extra income? CLDC is now accepting applications for the Rural Social Scheme! Minimum payment is 247.50eu/week.