Clare Traveller Community Development Project 


The Clare Traveller Community Development Project (CDP) is a collaborative project, led by Clare Local Development Company, Clare Public Participation Network, Clare Women’s Network and HSE Mid-West Traveller Health Unit, and supported by a wide range of additional organisations locally and nationally.

The Traveller CDP aims to improve living conditions, opportunities and achievement of human rights for Travellers in Clare, and this will be pursued through establishing and strengthening local alliances and, most importantly, through building effective Traveller leadership and a strong Traveller voice.

CLDC is the host organisation for the CDP. The ambition is for the CDP to evolve into an independent community development project.

Traveller CDP Launches Strategic Plan for 2023-2026

“True community development is about trusting communities to develop their own solutions and pathways,” [said] Minister Joe O’Brien, as the Clare Traveller Community Development Project (CDP) launched their Strategic Plan yesterday. …The event was well attended, by people across many organisations and agencies as well as members of the Travelling community.

“It’s not just that the project is in place, but that it’s doing really well! The collaboration between organisations is really strong, the Community Development Project model is really strong, The team behind the project is invested, and the CDP structure provides the support needed to develop Traveller leadership.”

Clare Traveller CDP one of seven (now 10) pilot projects selected

Clare Traveller Community Development Project uses community development approaches to build capacity and empowerment of Travellers

There is a huge need for specific Traveller supports in Co. Clare and in particular for those led by and co-created with Travellers. One of the prominent findings from the Clare Traveller Health Needs Assessment carried out by Pavee Point in 2019, was the lack of Traveller infrastructure in Clare. This was acknowledged by both Travellers and service providers alike. In terms of the challenges, service providers noted that, in the absence of a Traveller project, it was difficult to engage with Travellers and to meet their specific needs.

Funding to establish Traveller Community Development Project Secured for Clare

June 25th 2021

Clare PPN is delighted to announce that a collaborative application to the Department of Rural and Community Development’s Pilot Project Community Development Fund has been successful…

Contact the Clare Traveller CDP

9 + 4 =

CDP Staff Team 

Bridgie Casey - Project Coordinator (086 0478722)
Denise Harvey - Project Development Officer (087 1112432)
Maja Syncerz - Community Development Worker (087 2476093)
Martin McDonagh - Community Outreach Worker (087 2750448)