Local Area Employment Services (LAES)

 Our wonderful Local Area Employment Services team! 

LAES (Local Area Employment Service) is a service provided to people while they are on jobseekers allowances. It provides you with an opportunity to reach your full potential through training, personal development, and mentoring.  It gives you 1:1 support in order to reach your goals.  Each person is matched with one of our lovely caseworkers (staff members) to support you throughout your journey.

LAES is a 12-month programme, where you will build or design a personal progression plan, and you agree with your caseworker to carry out the tasks involved. Within that time period, we identify skills that you need in order to fulfil your plan.  Each person is assigned their own time to complete whatever given tasks they have identified, and gets support to do them, so that they are involved in achieving their own goals.

Through our own programmes at CLDC, we have access to additional supports in other programmes such as SICAP, Tus, and more. Through these connections, we can offer further opportunities, and support personal development and soft skills, such as building CV’s, building confidence, etc.

LAES is a service set up by the Department of Social Protection (DSP), but we deliver the service through our own staff members at CLDC.  The ethos of CLDC is to support people so that they can live a better life in their community, and through LAES, by the end of their time with us, people are more equipped to deal with society and have a better chance of stepping into employment.

Clients are referred to us through the DSP, so we in LAES are only able to work with people who are registered with the DSP as long-term unemployed.  [If you wish to avail of other employment support services, you can contact our staff in the SICAP (Social Inclusion and Community Activation) programme.]

Once you are referred, you’ll be assigned to one of our caseworkers/staff members depending on your needs. We also provide outreach clinics to reduce journey time, and make it easier for people in different areas to get to us. 

As people progress through their journey, they will develop skills and experiences that help them to be more employable in their local areas. We try hard to keep employment local!

We also have a new Employment Liaison Officer, who will work with individuals who are ready for full time employment, to get them their best chance of identifying a suitable job.

We are currently working with over 700 people that we work with on a full-time basis. So we are very busy!

We’re open from 9-5, Monday through Friday, and depending on needs we can be flexible with our clients. We do outreach in Scariff, Ennisytmon, Kilrush and Shannon, so that clients can come to us more easily in those localities.

We also work in partnership with Intreo and Paul Partnership to deliver this service.

Since September (2023), I’ve had regular meetings with Tommy. The sessions have provided me with much needed support and guidance on my career goals and aspirations. I find this type of support very beneficial to my unique set of circumstances.

I provide much needed support to three of my bachelor uncles who are each living alone with long-term progressive illnesses. Each of them is illiterate and rely on me to provide support in this area, along with other much needed assistance. The meetings with Tommy allow me to do this in a way that I can do this, while keeping my own personal career aspirations in focus, too.

I believe that every person especially the elderly in our community, deserve much-earned respect and care and comfort in these tumultuous times. The meetups with Tommy provide me with much-needed support personally to ensure I can fulfil that role in my family….but also from a career path perspective, it is keeping me focused on maintaining momentum with my career goals. I am very grateful for the service provided.

S. K., LAES Client

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