Social Inclusion and Community Activation Program (SICAP)

What is SICAP?
SICAP in full is “Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme” and is funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development and administered by Pobal and the Local Community Development Committee in Co. Clare.

Programme Aim
The aim of SICAP is to reduce poverty and promote social inclusion and equality in Ireland through supporting communities and individuals using community development approaches, engagement and collaboration.
This programme will run from 2018 – 2022.
An extra year of funding was announced in 2021 which sees the programme now running until 2023.
Who is it for?
SICAP has specific ‘target’ groups to ensure it is a targeted and focused programme. Only people who are from one or more of these groups are eligible for support under the programme:
Disadvantaged Children and Families
People living in Disadvantaged Communities
Disadvantaged Young People (aged 15 – 24)
People with Disabilities
Disadvantaged Women
Lone Parents
The Disengaged from the Labour Market (Economically Inactive)
Low Income Workers / Households
The Unemployed
New Communities
Goal 1: Supporting Communities
To support communities and target groups to engage with relevant stakeholders in identifying and addressing social exclusion and equality issues, developing the capacity of Local Community Groups, and creating more sustainable communities.
Goal 2: Supporting Individuals
To support disadvantaged individuals to improve the quality of their lives through the provision of lifelong learning and labour market supports.
We Support Communities
Developing a group
Accessing Funding
Influencing decision makers
Hosting a community event/meeting
Training or facilitating
Growing a social enterprise
We Support Individuals
Improving quality of life
Identifying next steps
Finding out about rights & entitlements
Exploring educational, training/employment options
Accessing a small grant for training
Applying for Back to Work Enterprise Allowance and Enterprise Grant
Farm income options
Contact SICAP
If you would like more information or to discuss our SICAP programme please contact us on +353 65 686 6800 or email