CEO Doirin Graham speaks about where it all started, and where we are now

CEO Doirin Graham speaks about where it all started, and where we are now

Doirin has been our CEO for as long as CLDC has been CLDC! She was on the radio this week with Dermot Hayes of RadioBeams. Tune in (Click the radio image) to hear her talk about her own beginnings in this work, the evolution of CLDC, the challenges of bureaucracy, and the importance of being out on the ground and community-led.

CLDC Circular Economy Project Repurposing Windfarm Blades Wins International “Best New Initiative” Award

CLDC Circular Economy Project Repurposing Windfarm Blades Wins International “Best New Initiative” Award

The International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation (UIAA) announced on Friday that the Irish pilot project “Repurposing Windfarm Blades,” by Clare Local Development Company, has been named as the Best New Initiative (BNI), in the prestigious UIAA 2023 Mountain Protection Award (MPA). The Clare initiative plans to turn old wind turbine blades into walking trail infrastructure, aiming to reduce the impact of wind farming on the environment, while modelling Circular Economy and helping raise awareness around reusing materials on a larger scale.

Windfarms in Ireland are generally situated in the upland areas, and this project will take redundant turbine blades and repurpose them into walking trail infrastructure like bridges and stiles, in this environment. This is the first project to use existing upland infrastructure to create trail infrastructure for the benefit of trail users. Currently, trail infrastructure is sourced from generic suppliers, mostly international companies involving large transport costs and environmental damage. This project keeps all the elements as local as possible, using local windfarms, local facilities, local trails, and local contractors wherever possible. Upgraded walking trails around Clare will showcase an innovative approach to the circular economy, and the project hopes to raise awareness and start conversations about repurposing waste materials.

The project was initiated by Clare Local Development Company (CLDC,) supported by Bladebridge from Universiy College Cork, and endorsed by Mountaineering Ireland. The first phase of the project is to repurpose the wind turbine blades that have reached end of life on wind farms into pedestrian bridges, stiles and seating on walking trails on the Cliffs of Moher Coastal Path. This is the busiest walking trail in Ireland with an excess of 600k users annually. A side project will be initiated to develop stiles and seating from repurposed blades.

Repurposing of this material is higher on the waste hierarchy than recycling, and higher than the conventional disposal methods of landfilling or incineration, or co-processing of the material into cement. The goals of the project are to firstly trial the repurposing of turbines into trail infrastructure on walking trails in County Clare, and then once installed and tested roll out the project via the Rural Recreation Officer network to other trails in Ireland; and finally promote the concept via international trail programmes.

“Provided the pilot phase of the project is successful, it will have a hugely positive environmental as well as social impact through education, awareness raising about circular economy, sustainable resource management and disposal. The way the project taps into local landowners, hiking, walking, guiding groups, people who make their living on the land that the trail it is targeting goes through, really speaks to a strong land ethic – something that mountain and upland cultures around the world share,” said the UIAA Assessment Team.

Eoin Hogan, the Rural Recreation Officer for CLDC who has headed this project, spoke with UIAA. “These new bridges will allow more walkers to enjoy the beautiful Cliffs of Moher trail in Co. Clare while respecting the local environment and keeping used blade materials out of landfills,” Eoin said. “We hope that the award will highlight this project as an example of how to change perceptions of ‘waste’ and to imagine new opportunities to improve the environment by repurposing used materials. For us, this project will be a success if people use the bridges, appreciate the design and the materials, talk about them, and see the benefit of repurposing materials to create new infrastructure and products.”

A total of 12 international projects operational on four continents were showcased as part of 2023 UIAA MPA.
Connecting Clare Communities – An ongoing collaborative initiative

Connecting Clare Communities – An ongoing collaborative initiative

WE’RE KICKING OFF AN ONGOING SERIES OF EVENTS AND WORKSHOPS TO SUPPORT OUR COMMUNITIES! See below for info about our first event, and visit to stay up to date with upcoming events. 


Clare Local Development Company, Clare Volunteer Centre and Clare Public Participation Network invite you to join us at ‘Connecting Communities in Clare’, an afternoon of networking and workshops for volunteers, activists, community leaders, charity trustees and members of community groups.

Why you should come?

* To be inspired, revitalised, and connected
* For practical skills around collaboration, participation, advocacy, communication, inclusion, resilience building, telling your story and more.
* Meet other people in the community who are making a difference
* Meet the agencies and networks that can give you the support you need
* For the craic, the chats, and the free snacks!

After a tumultuous few years resulting in burn out for many, it is time to rebuild, celebrate our successes to date and to share our suggestions for the future of Clare communities.

“So many people who are involved in their communities are burnt out, exhausted, overwhelmed, or fed up,” says Anna Swisher, the keynote speaker for this event. “It’s very easy to feel like you’re going at it alone. But you’re not. We’re all in it together. And we’re part of a much bigger story, and each of us is playing a significant role. It’s really important to take a moment to step back, reconnect, and remember why we’re doing this in the first place.”

Anna Swisher facilitates “Active Hope” programs for community groups and organisations that restore, revitalise and inspire people to meet the adversities they face with more creativity and resilience. Following the keynote speech, round table workshops will be facilitated by staff of the partner organisations, to share knowledge and practical skills for building community impact.

Places are limited so please reserve a FREE ticket here:

Summer camps support nearly 140 children from refugee families and Direct Provision

Summer camps support nearly 140 children from refugee families and Direct Provision

Clare Local Development Company was delighted to host 5 summer camp programs in Clare this year.

These camps focused on improving children’s English through a variety of activities, making new friends, staying active and having loads of fun.

Each camp we got to meet different children living in the area by hosting camps in Ennis, Kilkee, Shannon, Lisdoonvarna and Ballyvaughan. Activities including sports, drama, games, dance, outdoor activities, arts & crafts and loads more. Even a visit from the Ice cream van in all venues.

We would like to thank all the children who took part, and a special thanks so all at CLDC that made these camps happen. Thanks to each venue for allowing us to bring the camps to those areas, and to the camp leaders for making sure these children had a fun filled experience.

We look forward to hopefully seeing you again soon!

CLDC Staff give moving interview on ClareFM

CLDC Staff give moving interview on ClareFM

Alina Senkova, Ukrainian Response Team

“When you think that life is over, in this moment you find people who will show you that NO, you are ALIVE, you must live. You must start. You must live your life.”

We are very proud of our staff who spoke on ClareFM this morning! Have a listen here (11min) to hear about our Ukraine Response programme, the beauty and challenges of Ukrainian life and culture and Irish integration, and how Clare is leading the way with events like this festival coming up AUGUST 18-20!!

“We would love to show our culture to the Irish people who have been so good to us.”

We especially loved hearing about the film, made by and about Irish and Ukrainian Teenagers, about this moment that is so important, with the challenges faced and the friendships that have formed.