
Clare Local Development Company wishes to recruit a
HR Administrator / Assistant
(Maternity Cover: 21-28 hours per week)

The HR Administrator / Assistant is responsible for undertaking a range of administrative tasks for the efficient and compliant operation of the HR function of CLDC. The role also involves significant administrative input into the operation of the Rural Social Scheme and Tús Scheme. Relevant HR Related 3rd level qualification or on-going studies and/or CIPD Certification required.

For full job description and person specification, please email

Closing date for applications is 5pm Thursday, February 27th 2020.
Completed applications to include CV and cover letter, to be forwarded to Iyabo Matthew, HR Dept., CLDC, Unit 1 Westgate Business Park, Kilrush Rd, Ennis, Co. Clare or

Local Training Initiative Coordinator in Technology

Local Training Initiative Coordinator in Technology

Local Training Initiative Coordinator in Motor Technology

(Full-time 35 hours per week)

Clare Local Development Company wishes to recruit for the following position:

Local Training Initiative (LTI) Coordinator in Motor Technology.

The LTI Coordinator will be responsible for coordinating the day to day running of the Motor Technology Local Training Initiative. She/he will be a trained mechanic/subject matter expert in the field of mechanics.

For a full job description and person specification, please contact Iyabo Matthew,

Completed applications to include; CV and Cover Letter to be forwarded to Iyabo Matthew, HR Department, Clare Local Development Company, Unit 1 Westgate Business Park, Kilrush Rd, Ennis, Co. Clare or

Full-time, fixed term contract for 11 months. Start Date: TBC

Garda Vetting will apply.

Clare Local Development Company is an equal opportunities employer.

Gardening and Vegetable Production

Gardening and Vegetable Production


Cost: Free to Jobseekers
Date: 25th July 2019
Period: 8 Thursdays
Frequency: once weekly
Time: 6:00pm-8:00pm
Location: Clarecastle GAA


Get in touch if you would like to discuss any of the supports we offer.
Our office is located at Unit 1, Westgate Business Park, Kilrush Road, Ennis, Co. Clare

Our eircode is V95 PXY3. You can use this code with Google Maps to bring you directly to our office.

You can call us on +353 65 686 6800 or email

6 + 2 =

Roma Peer Support Worker

Clare Local Development Company wishes to recruit a Roma Peer Support worker.

This position is 6 hours per week and is for the Co. Clare Roma Inclusion Project.
The peer support worker will play a key role in the delivery of the Co. Clare Roma Inclusion Project by engaging with the Roma Community and supporting the work of the project.
The Peer Support worker will be a key peer link worker with the Roma Community in Co. Clare, supporting their participation in groups, activities and events.

For full job description and person specification, please email

Completed applications to include a cover letter to be forwarded to:

Aoife Bourke, HR Dept.,
Clare Local Development Company, Unit 1 Westgate Business Park,
Kilrush Rd, Ennis, Co. Clare

Closing date for applications 21st June 2019 at 5pm.
Candidates may be short listed for interview.

Clare Local Development Company is an equal opportunities employer.

Společnost Clare Local Development Company chce rekrutovat
pracovníky, pro romské spolupracovniky a podpory ,6 hodin týdně
pro projekt Clare Roma Inclusion.(Romska inkluze)
Pracovník pro vzájemnou podporu ,bude hrát klíčovou roli při poskytování projekt,u Co Clare Roma Inclusion tím, že bude spolupracovat s romskou komunitou a podporovat práci projektu.

Pracovník Peer Support (vzajemne se podporovat) bude klíčovým pracovníkem vzájemného propojení s romskou komunitou v Co.
Clare, podpora jejich účasti ve skupinách, aktivitách a akcích.

Pro úplný popis práce a specifikaci osob , napište na email

Dokončené aplikace obsahující průvodní dopis, který má být předán:

Aoife Bourke, HR Dept.,
Clare Local Development Company, Unit 1 Westgate Business Park,
Kilrush Rd, Ennis, Co. Clare

Uzávěrka přihlášek 21. června 2019 v 17:00.
Kandidáti mohou být zkráceni na pohovor.

Společnost Clare Local Development Company je zaměstnavatelem pro rovné příležitosti, pro vsechny.


Roma PSW application Form

Job Description Roma PSW