Clare Local Development Company would like to share some important information with migrant community members which might be of benefit to you, your family or friends in relation to Covid-19/ Coronavirus.

It is SAFE for all migrants to access essential services (Healthcare or Social Welfare). The Irish Government has confirmed to Migrants Right Centre Ireland that all people – documented or undocumented – can access healthcare and social services without fear.

If you have any questions about accessing healthcare or social welfare, any immigration or employment concerns, you can contact the Migrants Right Centre Ireland by phone on 01- 8897570, web query on their website: and by email at, Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm.

Healthcare or Social Welfare Services will not share information with the Department of Justice and Equality.

If Clare Local Development Company can help you in any way please contact Samantha on 0876959366 or

Please find the above information translated for the Brazilian community and for the Slovakian community.