Digital Marketing

Course Aim: This course will give businesses an insight into the essential tools for marketing and promoting their business online. It will cover the most relevant tools and techniques to make digital marketing work for your business in today’s digital world.

 Course Content

The course will cover many areas of online business promotion to include;

  • Principles of Marketing
  • Overview of Social Media and Digital Marketing tools used by business.
  • Knowing your business and choosing the social media channels that are right for you.
  • Knowing your customers and choosing the social media channels that are right for you.
  • Digital marketing tools to manage and schedule your campaigns.
  • Email marketing.
  • Creating attractive online promotions.
  • The importance of your website in converting leads.
  • Creating a social media action plan for your business.

Course Outcome: Upon successful completion of the course, business owners will gain the knowledge to create a practical action plan to improve their online marketing and promotion.

Business owners will also have the opportunity to create a Social Media plan which should include at least 5 practical steps to implement in a business to improve overall business social media presence and digital marketing to promote and increase sales. Business owners should be provided with a work plan template to help in the development of the Social Media and Digital Marketing Plan. The follow up session, 6 weeks post-delivery of the workshop will provide an opportunity to look at business progress in this area.

Course Duration: 6 hours plus 1.5 hour follow up session to assess progress (6 weeks post workshop delivery).

If you want any further information about upcoming training opportunities, please fill out the below form.

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