LEADER Enterprise

LEADER for Enterprise

LEADER wants to provide employment in rural areas by helping rural businesses to get started and expand.
LEADER capital grants are available for setting up or expanding enterprises in these sectors.
• Digital economy
• Green economy
• Agriculture, forestry and equine related services
• Artisan food, arts, craft and design
• Social enterprise
Training and networking supports are also available for these enterprises.
Producer groups, co-operative groups and business networks can access capital funding and soft supports.

Atlantic Airventure for an Aerospace Discovery Workshop in Shannon

Criostiona Ní Hicí for the production of her Kombucha health drink in Ennis

Renewable Energy

W2 Exchange for a co-working rural business centre located in Killaloe

Postaselfie app converts selfies into postcards and posts them anywhere in the world

Martin Murphy for equipment for his forestry contracting service in Kilmihil

McConnell’s Knitwear


Contact LEADER

If you would like more information or to discuss our LEADER programme please contact us on +353 65 686 6800 or email leader@cldc.ie


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Aisling de Klerk, Agnes O'Shaughnessy,
Gerry McDonagh, Lorraine Power,  
Michelle Barrett