16th November 2023 @ 10:00 am
Clare Local Development Company
Helen Derham
087 932 8168

3 Standalone Workshops

Thursdays 10am – 12 noon
Venue: CLDC, Unit 1, Westgate Business Park, Kilrush Rd, Ennis

Facilitator: Fionnuala Ni Mhairtin
A Nutritional Therapist, a Yoga Teacher and a Consciousness Medicine Practitioner


Workshops Dates

Stressed out of your mind: Are you in your head all the time.
This workshop will offer tips on how to ground, how to come out of your head and release stress
16th November 2023

Stressed: Are you wired and tired all the time?
This workshop will offer help to bring balance and calm back into the nervous system and in turn improve sleep
30th November 2023

Stress and your digestion: Are you absorbing all the right nutrients you need to feel full of energy?
This workshop will look at different ways stress affects our digestive system. 14th December 2023