Clare Local Development Company

About CLDC

Clare Local Development Company  –  A not-for-profit community organisation

Delivering Inclusion, Equality, and Empowerment 


Clare Local Development Company (CLDC) is a local, community-led organisation committed to the support and empowerment of communities and individuals in County Clare.  We work collaboratively to deliver innovative programmes that support inclusion, equality, diversity, sustainable economic development and positive environmental impact.

{Click on the ‘Programs’ tab above to learn more about our programs; or visit our Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn page for recent news!)



Our approach to empowerment focuses on advocacy, support, personal growth, participation, and integration.  We work collaboratively, supporting people to actively participate and build their capacity to meet their own needs and the needs of their communities, to develop local enterprise and their local economy, to take climate action and to protect their local environment. We provide integrated support through a range of targeted CLDC delivered programmes, schemes and services.

The way we work is informed by our core values of inclusion, equality, and diversity. We build relationships by practicing compassion, respect and tolerance, and we work to build trust with everyone we engage with.

We aim to improve the quality of life of the people we work with, by connecting them with opportunities, support, and resources that enable them to improve their lives, and the environment they live in. We are community-led, which means our leadership is made up of people from the community, that we look first to the community on the ground to understand what needs to change, and that we give the people living there a voice and a role in their own development, as we work with them to address the most pressing challenges.



We are working towards a diverse, inclusive, economically vibrant county, where every person’s basic needs are met, and every person is treated with respect and compassion.  We envision a county of resilient and economically sustainable communities, with high levels of cultural awareness and free from discrimination. We envision a county of people that are capable of adapting to a changing economy and environment, through collaborative and innovative approaches to social and environmental justice.


View our Governance Structure here


Get in touch if you would like to discuss any of the supports we offer.
Our office is located at Unit 1, Westgate Business Park, Kilrush Road, Ennis, Co. Clare

Our eircode is V95 PXY3. You can use this code with Google Maps to bring you directly to our office.

You can call us on 065 686 6800 or email