CLDC is inviting expressions of interest for the Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme (ORIS) 2025!
Deadline for submissions is Friday 7th of February for Measure 1 applications, and 14th of March for Measure 2 applications.
ORIS provides funding for the development of new outdoor recreational infrastructure. It also provides support for the necessary repair, maintenance, enhancement or promotion of existing outdoor recreational infrastructure in rural areas across Ireland.
The scheme supports outdoor recreation activities such as walking, trekking, cycling, kayaking and hiking. It helps to make use of the resources of the countryside that contribute to healthy active lifestyles. It supports the economic and tourism potential of the area for both local communities and tourist visitors alike.
Scheme details are here and application forms for Measure 1 and Measure 2 can be downloaded below.
Any questions can go to Eoin, our Rural Recreation Officer here at CLDC:
Measure 1
- Small scale repair/development/promotion and marketing.
- Funding of up to €40,000 at a 90% rate of aid.
- Maximum of 6 applications can be submitted by each local authority.
- Maximum of 3 applications can be submitted by each local development company.
Download Measure 1 Application form here
Measure 2
- Medium scale repair/upgrade and new trail/amenity development.
- Funding of up to €200,000 at a 90% rate of aid.
- Maximum of 3 applications can be submitted by each local authority.
- Maximum of 1 application may be submitted per local development company and state body.
Download Measure 2 Application form here