One to One Supports

Do you qualify for support under our Social Inclusion Community Activation Programme (SICAP)?
Are you in receipt of a Social Welfare payment?
Are you unemployed and not on the live register?
Are you looking for work?
Are you in a low paid job and would like to explore new opportunities?
If you have answered yes to these questions, CLDC may be able to help you
What we offer
We offer a wide range of supports that are tailored to your needs
These can include:
- Exploring what you want and need to do next
- Creating an action plan to help you move forward
- Funding for a specific piece of training to help you get a job
- Help with your C.V.
- Improving your job seeking skills
- Developing your interview skills
- Building your confidence and self-belief
- Help finding a training course to improve your skills
What you can expect
We will work with you on a one-to-one basis to develop a plan to meet your needs
This includes:
- A friendly, helpful service
- A plan of action
- Personal support that is guided by your needs
- A non-judgmental approach from staff
- Confidentiality
- A free service
- As many or as little meetings as you require at a time that suits you
Supports we offer

General Supports
We can:
• Support you to create a plan of action to help you move forward
• Help you to build your confidence
• Look at ways to increase your personal wellbeing

Employment & Training Supports
We can:
• Explore your employment, training and education options
• Help you to identify your strengths and skills
• Support you to plan and move forward

Job Applications and Preparing for Interviews
We can:
• help review your job application by looking at your CV and Cover Letter
• help you to prepare for your interview
Training Support to Employment (TSE) Fund
We can:
• help to fund a training course that will help you get a job
• funding up to 500 euro
• eligibility criteria applies
Job Seeking and Training Resources - Useful Links
Select this section to look at supports for job seekers and careers advice